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Mascot Documentation

SpaceBart is a mascot inspired by Space Apps 2020, and was design by Team EVE with a sole aim to help make learning about Earth and space science more fun and welcoming for younger audiences.

  • Project Name: SpaceBart.
  • Event: Space Apps 2020.
  • Challenge: Create a Mascot.
  • Team Name: EVE.
  • Team Members: Ayodele Foluso, Nelson Elijah, Olojede Daniel, Adewole Joel.
  • Target: Infant and Teenagers.
  • Graphic tool - Microsoft PowerPoint.
  • Mascot File - SpaceBart, Flying SpaceBart, Mascot Logo

  • Reference
  1. Bart astrnaut Character(Coined from Simpsons Deep Space Hommer) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_Space_Homer
  2. [Site Gallery] - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter - https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/Gallery/LunarReconnaissanceOrbiter.html
  3. [Site Gallery] - Earth Science Overview Oct 2018 Briefing - https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/Gallery/EarthScienceOct2018Briefing.html
  4. [Site Gallery] - Landsat - https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/Gallery/Landsat.html
  5. [Site Gallery] - Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope - https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/Gallery/Roman.html
  6. [Site Gallery] - Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory - https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/Gallery/Swift.html
  7. Nasa Image Gallery - https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/index.html, https://images.nasa.gov/, https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/
  8. Nasa Media Usage Guidelines - https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/guidelines/index.html
  9. CSA Resources - https://asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/search/images/default.asp